Wednesday, April 26, 2006

This Could Save Your Life.

Just got a mass email from Michelle about a scam where people try to sell you perfume but it's really ether, and when you sniff it, they steal all your belongings. The same thing actually happened to me at the Saks perfume counter. And when I came to, I was naked and had to open an account to charge a new outfit just so I could walk out of the store.
Come on people!!!
If I receive one more mass fwd about how to protect myself from rapists, kidnappers, or identify theft, I'm going to attack someone--and chances are, if you have a ponytail, it will be you. What happened to the 'hey' email? Now it's all, 'Here are ways you could potentially die, thought you should know."
I have a feeling Karla has read a few too many of these emails. Whenever it's dark, she gets her keys out and puts the biggest one between her ring and middle finger. "This will let them know I mean business." Right. Key in the finger. I hear that's what all the insurgents in Iraq are using. The Ace Hardware In Baghdad is making a mint on copies alone.
I've said this before, but I really think the best self-defense can be learned from a precocious child. Not only is it most effective, it is also perhaps, the funniest thing in the world. We call it, Dead Weight.
I was reminded of said technique the other day on the train when a 5-year old was standing with her grandmother. In the stops leading up to theirs the grandma would say, "Almost our stop, get ready." But the child was enjoying the ride and made clear with shakes of the head that she had no intention of getting off.
When the doors opened at their stop, the old lady took the child's hand, made a move for the exit, and the child collapsed. The woman started yelling at the child in Chinese and now took both hands trying to lift her like a sack of potatoes. Nothing but a bobbing motion. The girl just lay there with a faint smile and her eyes closed as her grandmother tried dragging her off the train. It should be noted that closing one's eyes is imperative in that it gives the illusion of death.
The doors were beeping and realizing the urgency, the old lady tried running a little bit, still yelling, and dragging this child down the stairs, the heightened sound effect of lifeless feet hitting each one. When the train rolled away the little girl was lying on the street, eyes squeezed shut, with a huge grin.
Had it not been for the smile, this would have been textbook. If you're ever in trouble, just go deadweight. Your whole body as a boiled noodle. Fall to the ground and just flop around if people try to move you. Actually, this might not work for identity theft, but neither will a freakin key.


Anonymous said...

A ponytail! ha ha! When i run i make sure i don't have my music on too loud so as to hear the impending kidnapper; i wear my hair DOWN so that no one has easy access; I carry my cell phone so that I can call 911 first, and my parents second to say good bye, from the back of the white van that I will inevitably be shoved into; and I also carry a KEY so I can get back into my house, but thanks to your blog, I will now use it as a weapon first chance I get. You know, I'm almost hoping to be kidnapped just so I can test out the success rate of all my precautions!!
PS What about the email that warns about the guy saying "hey, you forgot your change?" and running towards you from a store...warning to all women: forgo the change and save yourselves!

Jess said...

Sarah! HA. such a funny comment!
first, how do you run with all that stuff and hair all in your face? I think the bad guys would skip you because you probably look crazy.
"hear the impending kidnapper?" HA. visual of a guy in a ski mask running behind you, and you with your ipod all low, "Nice try kidnapper! I hear you!" (break into sprint.)
Order of calls? HA. "hi, mom? yea, they got me. i'm in a van. no, couldn't use the key, I was holding like 9 things. ok, bye"
this got me thinking though, how awesome would michelle be at identifying someone in a line up??
"HEY I KNOW YOU! #3 are you from boston?!! um, #6, do you know beans? or are you an engineer?"

Anonymous said...

It's so annoying that the whole time I was reading this I was trying to be the resistant child by not smiling and closing my eyes (to imagine how funny it would be to be that little girl), but couldn't do it! The two problems I encountered: 1. I can't read with my eyes closed, and 2. This entry was too damn funny to keep from smiling...or laughing out loud for that matter.