Monday, February 27, 2006

Bedtime Is Now 8AM

The roommate brought home some movies yesterday which was a perfect way to spend a rainy Sunday. I'm constantly thinking that it's a good idea to watch scary movies when I know it's not. I'll freely admit to having the most extreme imagination in the world, and one scary movie can set off a thousand clown-infested sleepless nights. But something about the smell of popcorn and the surround sound in the living room shushes that voice of reason, and I'm left kicking myself when it's time for bed.
So we watched 'Saw' which really wasn't that bad. It was twisted, but the dialogue was bad enough that I couldn't take it seriously. But of course, there had to be a clown in it. The whole cutting of the foot, that was bad, and it definitely made a cameo in my dreams last night, but that effing clown. I couldn't sleep for more than 5 minutes without opening my eyes to scan the room. And that's really what kills me. Why the urgent need to check to see if something's in my room? Do I WANT to find a clown?! And these are the arguments I have with myself as I try to get to sleep.
OK, close your eyes and just keep them shut 'til you drift off.
But what if when I close them something comes out of the closet.
Well, are you in any better shape if you see it come out of there?
Good point, but at least I can try to run out of the room.
You really think you'll make it out?
Stop, you're scaring me.
And so it goes. Gah. I'm an idiot.
Miss Congeniality 2 has been on HBO for like the last 3 weeks. I think I'll just watch that like 8 times until the clown will be a welcomed relief.


Anonymous said...

Umm all I can say is "Payback is a bitch!!" If I can recall correctly I spent many a sleepless night fearing Large Marge or a corpse with yellow teeth was going to kill me while being trapped in my room as you would shut my light off and hold the door closed!! Yes, I easily culd have turned the light on myself, but you paralized me with fear! So sleep tight Jess and tell Krusty I said hello....SCARY FACE!!!!

Jess said...

HAHAHA. scary face. Well played Nessa.
And that wasn't me, it was sabrina.