Saturday, February 25, 2006

Get Thee To A Nunnery

So this'll be the last parent posting for a while because it's getting lame. But they called last night when they got back to NY and the conversation was too classic not to share. My dad gets on the phone and says, "I was thinking about it on the flight, and you know, Bob is gay."
Bob, dad? Bobby? The Bob who's starring as Kenickie in the Asian Tour of Grease??? HE'S gay?! really?!!
He continued, "And also, she died before you were born, but my Aunt Mary was gay. Of course, she was a nun, so we can't be sure--but yeah, I think she was gay. So you must take after her."
This was brilliant. In one transcontinental flight, somewhere between beverage service and a snack box, my dad had discovered a genetic breakthrough in sexual heredity. I got my scoliosis from my mother's father, and my fondness for the ladies from my dead Aunt Mary. Plus, it's an incredible relief to know my extreme love for the Sister Act movies has some genetic validity behind it.
I always thought that if I ever owned a race horse I would name it 'Delores Van Cartier.' Based on this single conversation, it's clear "Sister Mary Martin' is a more appropriate choice.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HAIIIIIIIIL.....sorry you mentioned Sister Act