Monday, February 20, 2006

ppppp p-unit

Oh boy. So Deb and Steve will be here in a few short hours. I've cleaned the bathroom 3 times but I know faces will still be made. My parents are completely ridiculous when it comes to bathroom cleanliness. I remember once on a family trip to Amish country, my dad took us 2 hours out of the way because he heard a restaurant called "Bird in Hand"had the cleanest public restrooms in all of Pennsylvania. They were quite nice, but I'd like to see how they handle this whole avian flu thing.
But I'm excited to see them, it should be good. My dad is probably the most excited person in the world, when it comes to, um, anything, so he's totally been looking forward to getting out here for awhile. Every day for the last week he's been calling to see if I need them to bring anything from home. I swear it's a universal thing that parents think as soon as you leave their house, there will be no place for you to by the daily essentials. Really. Well, at least that's how it is in my family. Whenever my grandma would come up to visit from Long Island she would bring frozen meats as her carry-ons. Seriously. Like huge turkeys and hams, and when we told her to stop she seemed amazed that there were places by us to buy such things. No matter where you go I think parents assume you're headed off to some mining village where supplies will be short and hard to come by. And yet, for the entire summer I spent in Alaska, not a single care package. I can see my parents sitting around thinking it out together. "Well, there's gotta be a Super Center up in those woods somewhere. On the other hand, if she ever goes out to San Francisco, we should totally stock her up on canned goods."
But I like how I can already predict pretty much everything they will say on their entire trip. It's a fun little game. My dad's big 3 will be saying "West Coast!" pretty much every 5 minutes, commenting on the hardwood floors in my apartment, and asking me why I don't have any fresh vegetables in my fridge. My mom will want me to walk them through my "favorite morning routine" (should it involve jazz squares? I've never known), and "whoa, jess! when's the last time you cleaned this sink??"
Right, well there should be no shortage of stories from their week out here, I'm sure--or frozen meats for that matter.


Anonymous said...

my mother ships produce cross country. i don't question it. tell steve martin that i loved his last movie and i miss the surburban dearly.

Jess said...

dude, your mom is cool as hell. and how much do i love that you were able to experience the burban??