Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Breathe In.

So I'm about 4 days away from being homeless. Not really. Well, technically, yes really. My lease is up, I put off my housing search for far too long, and I'm scrambling. To say that I've been freaking out is fair and true. It's not good for a person like me to freak out. I don't wear it well. 

Luckily, I work with some of the most incredible people in the entire city of Boston, and almost everyone has offered me a place to stay. So freaking nice. But I don't actually like living out of a suitcase during vacations, so I can't imagine how that might play out for a month of couch surfing. It would make for good blog posts, to be sure. Staying with Harvey for a few nights might be interesting:) 

Searching Craigslist in the middle of the night (it's amazing how not knowing where you're going to live will negatively affect an already existing sleeping problem. Hmm, who knew?) and sending out emails to potential roommates at 4:00 AM has not worked out. I'm tired, overwhelmed, and out of it. I called my girlfriend the other night, just as I was finally drifting to sleep, and left a short message saying I missed her and loved her. It turns out I dialed the wrong number and left that message with my old hair dresser.  
I've been cringing about that during my breaks from looking for housing.  

Anyway, Meredith calms me. I miss her in general, but really miss her when I start to freak out about packing and finding a place. Talking to her today, she said she would post something on Faceplace or whatever, and send out an email to everyone at Smith. Which she did. She's amazing, and I'm so ridiculously lucky. When I told her so, this is what she said: 
Meredith:I'm a social worker. we use resources and connections to mobilize the communities around us in collective efforts towards the greater good. in this case, you.


Awhile ago, she asked why she wasn't mentioned more frequently in my blog. I tried to explain that it's dedicated to the absurdities in life and that including her in that wouldn't make sense. Her response, of course, was, "Well start another one!"

This is just to say that I'm grateful for her. Sans absurdity.  [Cue the cheesy music.]

"i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)"


MFB said...

i'd read that blog.

love ya, W.F. Nelson. :)

Anonymous said...

Why would staying with Harvey be so interesting? Tom

Lauren Quinn O'Neill said...

You are so cute, the feeling that you found someone who can pick up where you leave off is amazing, and I am glad you feel that! You WILL find somewhere to live. I was in the same situation this time last year and somehow it works out.